Saturday, October 4, 2014



The professional wrestling. It is a ridiculous world full of wonder, tables, chairs, steel cage matches. Basically lots of mindless violence (Hi, America!). It is also powered by pure belief. Magick also runs on that there belief fuel. Lately I have been thinking a lot about pro-wrestling as magick and how that can be harnessed for use in everyday life. There will be no hand holding here. I'm that asshole expecting you to know a wrasslin' term or two for this so STRAP IN!

If you can create a gimmick persona for yourself and commit to it to the point the public believes you to be that persona that you are projecting then you will become larger than life. Not The Rock levels of larger than life [are you kidding me, get fucking real]. But more of a "personal goal" level of unlocked potential and confidence (did wonders for me?). Anyway, that's all I wanted to get out of my system about that. FOR NOW.

Anyway, MUSIC: Let me talk to you about UltraMantis Black. Not only is he a real-life super-villain, millitant vegan and friend to animals but he is also a very angry lead singer! His message is clear: Animal liberation, Earth liberation, Human liberation AND; fun as your beloved, albeit self-absorbed social media culture may be it deserves to be flushed down the fucking toilet! But most importantly: follow your dreams and stuff?

NEXT TIME: Art, maybe! More music that I like! Also: SOMEONE WILL DEFINITELY DIE.

*Comments are NOT encouraged. Make no attempts to "keep the conversation going!" Do not approach. Run.

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